Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Great Men with Moustaches No. 1

Hulk Hogan

Alright Hulkamaniacs! When I think of men with moustaches that I have "respected", Hulk Hogan comes to mind. During my childhood, the Hulkster embodied many of the characteristics that I continue to strive to emulate: hard work, postitive thinking and great facial hair.

Now that the Hulkster is a bit older, he has really let his moustache become a more prominent aspect of his persona. Technically, he is tending towards having a goatee, but the clean shaven chin clearly keeps Hogan's facial hair a moustache.

So, listen up to the Hulkster and his demandments of all his little Hulkamaniacs: train, say your prayers, eat your vitamins...and donate to keep a moustache on the Willster.

What are you gonna do when March Moustache Mania runs wild on you?


1 comment:

Beth said...


How exactly will you prune your stache Mr. MacMinn?