Saturday, April 7, 2007

Great Men with Moustaches no. 3

Wendel Clark
"Captain Crunch"

In recongnition of the Maples Leafs' hard-fought win over the Canadiens tonight, we at Buttons and Beaus show our "props" to a man who bled blue-and-white and wore his Maple Leaf-shaped heart on his sleeve throughout his career. Wendel Clark was for many years the heart-and-soul of the Maple Leafs. Clark always came through for the Leafs: whether it was a hit, a fight or a goal, "Wendy" was the heart and soul of our beloved Leafs.

In addition to being an all-around solid hockey player, Wendel always sported great facial hair. Especially noteworthy was Wendel's handlebar moustache from the early 1990s. As a young teenager, I (William) was impressed to say the least.

I continue to aspire to emulate Clark's play on the ice, and his facial grooming.

Don't forget to donate to keep William "Wendy 2.0" MacMinn in a stache!

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